New Years might not be a traditional gift giving holiday, but that doesn't mean you can't start a trend!
Capture the glitz and glam of the new year with fun, party-themed images on a beautiful canvas print, that will set the mood for a really excellent 365 days. Whether you're giving it as a gift or hanging it in your own rumpus room, you'll want something bold, cheerful, and maybe with a bit of glitter.
Need to get yourself in the NYE spirit? This traditional song was collected and written by Robert Burns - better known as Scotsman Robbie Burns - in 1788, and is often sung (minus most of the original lyrics) while holding mugs of beer aloft.
Should Old Acquaintance be forgot,
and never thought upon;
The flames of Love extinguished,
and fully past and gone:
Is thy sweet Heart now grown so cold,
that loving Breast of thine;
That thou canst never once reflect
On old long syne.
On old long syne my Jo,
On old long syne,
That thou canst never once reflect,
On old long syne.
It's always more fun to receive a creative, personal gift than a generic one. And it's usually just as much fun for the gift giver to pick out a really special, meaningful present.
There are lots of ways you can figure out the best art-related gift to give:
- Snoop around their house. Not into drawers and closets, but try to get a feel for the lucky person's decorating scheme. If they like delicately wallpapers and pastels, consider a similarly themed image in pale colors.
- Once you've settled on the type of image, consider the presentation. Do they already have a number of canvases hanging in the home? If so, you might choose to stick with that display, or forego the image altogether and choose a beautiful canvas floater frame that will accent an existing print.
If the decor is very modern, consider a plexi face mount or other dry mounted image. These pieces are slim, stylish, and frameless, for a crisp, contemporary appearance.
- Pay attention as you're being given the tour (or if you're there all the time, ask for another one!). Do they mention an area they wish was better decorated, or tell you about a color scheme they're planning? If they are regretful of a certain blank wall, try to sneak a measurement so you can order an artwork of the perfect size.
- If you're unable to browse their home, chat with people who know them well. Do they have a favorite city they always visit, or dream of visiting? Maybe they would love a cityscape or skyline of that special place, to hang in the hall, or above the bed.
- Think about their hobbies or interests. A guitarist would love a print on PhotoTex adhesive fabric - a picture from a favorite concert, or the sheet music from their favorite song. A gardener would be tickled pink to receive a close up image of one of their own flowers.
Whatever your budget or relationship with the recipient, put some serious thought into the gift. Your efforts will be recognized and appreciated.
In the art world, budget-friendly usually equally smaller, and that is certainly not a bad thing!
A small, quaint artwork can make a wonderful gift, to fill an empty space in a nook or by the door, round out a collection, or commemorate a special event without comandeering an entire wall. Many of our products are under $100.
If you have a bit more to spend, you can consider choosing a large canvas print, or opt for something a bit more unique. Adding resin to a canvas print or dry mounted paper print gives it a gorgeous shine and intensifies every color. Or pick a more ornate frame to complement a Classic Art Print, of which we have a wonderful selection.
If you don't have access to the perfect image, or for any other reason you're unable to select a canvas print or frame, why not let them pick their own, on you! We offer Gift Certificates in custom denominations. We can send the recipient the code via email, or print a physical certificate and mail it straight to them!
